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He suggests that visitors to Tikal should not just marvel at the structures, but also contemplate the people who built them 1,000 or even 2,000 years ago without machines or pack animals. "Think about what their accomplishments were," he said, "and remember that this is not an extinct people, those accomplishments are the heritage of Central America's modern Indigenous population."
Conventional nuclear is already economically unconvincing, he says, so adding the cost of developing thorium-friendly reactors and complex fuel reprocessing is untenable. Proponents say thorium’s advantages outweigh these costs, but he thinks the case is overstated.
But given its progress so far, Parks thinks thorium makes sense as a long-term hedge for India. “They should be commended for having had a plan and stuck to it,” he adds. “I wish the UK could be accused of the same.”
He’s now job hunting, but says opportunities for the kind of work he was doing before are limited and he will probably have to adapt: take a course on automated software testing and then try to secure a position. He worries this may be a repeating pattern.
The World Bank’s 2016 World Development Report noted a global trend towards “hollowing out” of the labour force. As technology streamlines routine tasks, middle-skill jobs like clerical workers and machine operators decline while both high-skill and low-skill ones increase.
The plight of IT workers like Ravi, though, demonstrates that automation is already encroaching on areas without gaps to be filled. Pai says India has the luxury of time compared to developed countries, as labour will remain cheaper than automation for a decade, and huge unmet demand for infrastructure and services can produce lots of jobs.
There are several organised choirs as well as groups that organise and participate in promoting peace, environmental and social justice activities," she added. "A men's group gathers to make caskets and other wood crafts, and the cultural centre offers a pre-school programme in the Russian language.
It was only when Stalts reached the age of nine or 10 that he started to understand that aside from a few relatives, nobody else around him spoke like this. "I remember thinking, what's going on? Why does nobody speak this language? Only some very old people."
When I asked whether she would describe herself as Livonian, Marinska laughed: "I am… also Livonian. I grew up in a Latvian atmosphere, but of course I learnt from my parents and grandparents in my childhood that there was a connection with Livonians."
Since fewer than 30 of today's Livonians are able to converse in their native tongue, music has become an important way of connecting to their ancestral heritage. Several folk groups and vocal ensembles perform old songs celebrating the traditional Livonian way of life.
Kumzar has been at the centre of a socially and historically vibrant regional ecosystem for centuries, so although it can only be reached by boat, it would be a mistake to think about it as 'isolated'," Erik said. "Kumzar was very important historically: one of the few places with a well with plentiful, fresh water, between the trading centres of Basra, Muscat, Zanzibar, India and beyond."
She works for the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, looking into extremism and disinformation on social media. She has helped journalists before, and advises me on how I can set up the profiles in an ethical and realistic way - only doing what's necessary to test the algorithms.
Aliyah didn't know much about drugs back then. But she'd learned the open window meant he'd be in a good mood: "Whereas if the window is shut there was no smoke, so Daddy doesn't have what he needs," she says.
She remembers feeling as though she had no way out - that she was existing in survival mode. She self-harmed and tried to take her life on many occasions.
On her first day, an adult member of staff laid down the rules: there was a curfew and she had to be home on time. Every night all the residents would sit down and eat dinner with care workers.
I'm standing in my pandemic "radio studio" - aka the closet in my apartment - surrounded by hangers holding button-up shirts and dresses. I'm staring at my cell phone in the dark. It's propped up on top of a suitcase sitting on top of a plastic tub, and I'm holding my recorder and microphone at the ready.
Five of the former officers, including Jenkins, pleaded guilty. But two pronounced their innocence and went to trial, which I covered for the BBC. It was there that the full extent of the officers' misconduct became public.
The risk is evaluated by taking into account the concentration, species and the size of the trees in each area. Some trees, like pines, are much more flammable than others, such as maple. The difference comes down to many factors including how much oil they hold in their bark, the shape of the foliage and density of the leaves.
But there are some natural events that cannot be avoided. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are notoriously unpredictable and impossible to control. While these disasters often claim many lives immediately, what happens in the aftermath and how rescue teams react has a large impact on how many people survive.
But when it comes to prediction of and preparation for natural disasters, one of the biggest barriers is having enough accurate data. These events are still extremely rare, so the quantities of data needed to train machine learning algorithms is thin on the ground. Satellite and aerial surveys are often not a priority when governments are responding to a crisis.
Another tool named Botler AI goes one step further by providing advice to people who have been sexually harassed. Trained on more than 300,000 US and Canadian court case documents, it uses natural language processing to assess whether a user has been a victim of sexual harassment in the eyes of the law, and generates an incident report, which a user can hand over to human resources or the police. The first version was live for six months and achieved 89% accuracy.
Facebook is not the only one analysing text and behaviour to predict whether someone may be experiencing mental health problems. Maria Liakata, an associate professor at the UK’s University of Warwick, is working on detecting mood changes from social media posts, text messages and mobile phone data.
But on balance, the connection to the ocean that people gain from surfing creates "a net positive impact", she says, especially compared to activities such as jet skiing or wakeboarding, which require more equipment and often rely on fossil-fuel power.
They need to understand who it's coming from and whether or not those suppliers are producing the commodity in accordance with that company's policy. So, you need to have traceability. You need to be able to monitor your supply chain and then you need to have a process in place for what happens if your supplier isn't able or willing to comply."
Together, they're trying to cool the planet by sucking carbon dioxide out of the air. This Texan landscape was made famous for the billions of barrels of oil pulled out of its depths during the 20th Century. Now the legacy of those fossil fuels – the CO2 in our air – is being pumped back into the emptied reservoirs.
It's perhaps fitting that the CO2 in our air is eventually being returned underground to the oil fields from whence it came, although maybe ironic that the only way to finance this is in the pursuit of yet more oil. Occidental and others hope that by pumping CO2 into the ground, they can drastically reduce the carbon impact of that oil: a typical enhanced-recovery operation sequesters one tonne of CO2 for every 1.5 tonnes it ultimately releases in fresh oil. So while the process reduces the emissions associated with oil, it doesn't balance the books.
This can also make a farm more productive, says Roberto Giolo de Almeida, who leads the Embrapa team. In traditional Brazilian cattle farming, there is typically around one animal grazing per hectare of land. When the land is planted with trees, the quality of the pasture actually improves.
Having a global compensation scheme is "not the crucial element of global climate action," says Dufrasne, noting that countries should prioritise adopting domestic and regional policies aimed at slashing emissions. This will lead to the cuts needed to set the world on a path to net zero by 2050. "Governments should not just bank on buying credits from other countries, but focus on domestic reductions."
The Bootleg fire highlighted one of the flaws of the carbon offsetting market: how can we ensure the carbon removal projects we invest in will still be there in 10 years, let alone 100 years? As climate change leads to more intense wildfires and prolonged droughts over the next few decades, the question is whether these offsets are effective tools that can help us drastically reduce carbon emissions.
"Since 1998, timber harvesting has been The Nature Conservancy's primary source of funds for taxes and stewardship of the Upper St John River Forest. By enrolling it in the forest carbon project, TNC made a long-term commitment to change its active harvesting practices and maintain a higher level of carbon on the property," the TNC spokesperson says.
"You can't do effective climate mitigation based on fiction. You need to make sure the credits are real, otherwise the market is based on a lie," says Haya, suggesting that setting up an incentive fund for mitigation efforts, which companies and countries pay into, would be more effective at reducing overall emissions.
For its proponents, carbon farming promises a bold new agricultural business model – one that tackles climate change, creates jobs and saves farms that might otherwise be unprofitable.
Both the ETF and index industry are "highly concentrated", the report states. Around seven institutions together control about 70% of the ETF and index markets. That means that those seven players – iShares (managed by BlackRock), Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors on the one hand, and MSCI, FTSE Russell, S&P Dow Jones and Bloomberg – "have disproportionate power to mitigate deforestation risk", according to Planet Tracker.
So when it comes to deforestation, can finance really make a difference? If we look at its role in bringing about change in other spheres, then the answer is absolutely "yes".
The science of direct air capture is straightforward. There are several ways to do it, but the one that Carbon Engineering's system uses fans to draw air containing 0.04% CO2 (today's atmospheric levels) across a filter drenched in potassium hydroxide solution – a caustic chemical commonly known as potash, used in soapmaking and various other applications.
Goodall advocates for a global carbon tax, which would make it expensive to emit carbon unless offsets were purchased. But he recognises this is still a politically unpalatable option. Nobody wants to pay higher taxes, especially if the externalities of our high-energy lifestyles – increasing wildfires, droughts, floods, sea level rise – are seen as being shouldered by somebody else.
These systems to combine livestock and tree-planting do not have just one "recipe", says the agronomist Claudete Reisdorfer Lang, professor at Federal University of Parana, in Brazil, who leads the Brazilian pine experiment. "[It] depends on the different components – crops, trees, animals, among others," she says, as well as the ways the different parts of the system are integrated in the field.
The land had been farmed very conventionally, so the ground was overworked and had lost its organic matter," recalls managing director Tamara Hall, who joined the estate in 2003. "We had to change, for environmental reasons as well as profitability.
The obvious question is whether Mercedes should have stopped before Red Bull in the first stint. It would have reversed the race, made Hamilton the man in front being chased down by Verstappen. But Mercedes did not feel it would have worked.
With this level of scientific rigour, the pair are confident that they can sell carbon credits in advance, using a modelling system to forecast future capture. Baked into the process are strict checks and balances, including remote sensors to monitor real-time carbon absorption, and a 40% buffer in case predictions come up short.
"He increased the pace and at a certain stage it was a massive difference. That was brilliantly executed but [he was] just not close enough at the end. When you follow a car you start to suffer a bit. It is what it is and you need to congratulate Red Bull."
"I'm hoping that, in the future, our beef, lamb and pork produce will be a byproduct of the carbon that we farm and sell," says Loren Poncia, a fourth-generation cattle rancher in northern California. "But even before that happens, the stuff we're sequestering is helping cut costs in the here and now."
From that they'll be able to work out the net financial gain from restoring the peat bog in terms of its impacts on flood mitigation, water quality and carbon storage.
"Fast forward 24 hours and it goes the opposite way. It's about exploiting the product. I call the car the product. How do we deliver the performance? And that is what's going to make the difference between losing and winning."
Without clear community rights, those who depend on that land are unlikely to benefit when countries trade in its emissions-reducing capabilities, and could face additional challenges. "It's unclear how carbon markets will affect people's rights to pursue their own livelihoods and ensure that they can access the forest for food, timber or resources to meet their basic needs," says Frechette.
To be able to sit so close for so long was a demonstration that the Red Bull was clearly the faster car in the first stint, in which both drivers were on the 'medium' tyres.
While it appeared for a while as if Hamilton had a big pace advantage, what was actually happening was that Verstappen was measuring his pace so that when Hamilton closed in at the end of the race, Verstappen was able to speed up and hold the Mercedes off.
The researcher's report was part of a cache of internal documents called The Facebook Papers, recently obtained by New York Times and other US publications. They show the social media giant struggling to tame the avalanche of fake news, hate speech, and inflammatory content -"celebrations of violence", among other things - out of India, the network's biggest market.
The problem with Facebook lies elsewhere. With 340 million users, India is its biggest market. It is a general purpose social media platform which offers users individual pages and to form groups. "The wide range of features make it more vulnerable to all kinds of misinformation and hate speech," says Mr Sinha.
He also denied that he was in conflict with the LGBT community, saying "this has nothing to do with them. It's about corporate interests and what I can say and what I cannot say."
The stone tools and other evidence Schmidt and his team found at the site showed that the circular enclosures had been built by hunter-gatherers, living off the land the way humans had since before the last Ice Age. Tens of thousands of animal bones that were uncovered were from wild species, and there was no evidence of domesticated grains or other plants.
Schmidt's take on the site's striking T-pillars and large, round "special buildings" captivated colleagues and journalists when they were first published in the mid-2000s. Breathless media reports called the site the birthplace of religion; the German magazine Der Spiegel compared the fertile grasslands around the site to the Garden of Eden.
The new work isn't destroying Klaus Schmidt's thesis; it stands on his shoulders," said Horejs. "There's been a huge gain of knowledge, in my view. The interpretation is changing, but that's what science is about."
Modern visitors to Tikal will need to make an extra effort to locate the reservoirs, which live on today mostly as depressions in the soil, but some of the dams and earthen berms used to impound the vast quantities of water that once slaked the city's thirst are still evident to the informed observer. The Palace reservoir is estimated to have once stored
"I don't think Tikal was the only place with this technology," said Grazioso. "Reservoirs were everywhere in the Maya world and only a handful have been studied, but if we don't study them, we'll never know."
It's a shame, for in my own experience of snorkelling and diving along the length of the Great Barrier Reef since my first visit to the Whitsundays as a six-year-old in the 1980s, I've discovered that its southern fringe is no less spectacular than other sections. Less prone to extreme weather events such as cyclones and prolonged heatwaves, it can be argued this corner of the reef is also in better shape. United by a commitment to sustainability, its key tourism operators hope to keep it that way.
"You can say any nasty thing you want about any person or group you want and that is protected by the First Amendment," Edward ReBrook IV, an attorney for one of the defendants, former Nationalist Socialist Movement leader Jeff Schoep, told the Associated Press. "That's not me saying that, that's the Supreme Court."
Sifting my fingers through the sun-warmed sand, I'd come up with an unexpected prize: a small, glassy shard of obsidian. Digging back in, I was soon inspecting a growing pile of volcanic glass. A kayaking mate declared the obsidian was from the area's many overland "grease trails", a term I was only vaguely familiar with.
At the time, Mr Trump came under fire from both sides of the political spectrum for comments at a news conference, in which he appeared to defend the extremists as "very fine people" and said "many sides" were responsible for the violence. In subsequent statements, he denounced neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups as "repugnant".
On the journey, you also may hear of strange curiosities, persistent legends and peculiar laws. Like the supposed and disputed ancient decree that states in York it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow from the city's crenellated walls. Except on a Sunday.
This is where the Flying Scotsman, the world record-holding steam locomotive, was built in 1923 at the Doncaster Railway Works and where its engineer, Edinburgh-born Sir Nigel Gresley, now has a public square named in his honour.
The Agrafiots, the resilient, independent-minded inhabitants of this region, used this quasi-independence to cultivate their land into a hub of revolutionary activity. Legendary independence fighter Antonis Katsantonis was born here, and revolutionary leader Georgios Karaiskakis used Agrafa as a base from which to terrorise Ottoman troops down in the plains.
These subtle mechanisms feed into behaviours that can impact negatively on people speaking different forms of English. I’ve been guilty of this in practice. I’ve found myself gravitating to colleagues I can easily banter with (so that I don’t have to explain or replace Americanisms like ‘inside baseball’ or British terms like ‘take the piss’).
Multiple factors set the stage for ordinary hires to fail upward. One of the reasons the phenomenon persists, says Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a business psychology professor at Columbia University in New York City, is because hiring managers, decision-makers, even voters can be easily “seduced” by characteristics incompatible with good leadership, such as overconfidence.
Tulshyan suggests companies can go one step further by using failure as a learning opportunity in meetings or boardrooms for every employee. Normalising failure can encourage people to take more risks and think outside the box, which can level the playing field and allow talent to rise based on innovation and ideas rather than who’s most visible. “You do need to have an environment where people can take risks and where they can fail without fear of retaliation.”
None of the science makes misidentification a workplace inevitability, however, because there’s a lot still within our control to change. Both Tanaka and Fiske say that when motivated, people can bypass or “short-circuit” those automatic categorisations; it just requires a reset.
The training can take many forms, in-person or online. You might take some form of implicit-association test, in which you’re presented with a quickfire series of images, and have to make rapid judgements of them, e.g.
Wrexham manager Phil Parkinson had been told beforehand that Reynolds and McElhenney would be at the game, but neither he nor the players met with the pair ahead of the game.
India has resisted setting a target for an overall reduction, saying industrialised nations should bear a much greater share of the burden as they have contributed far more to emissions over time.
Global Forest Watch - a collaboration between the University of Maryland, Google, the United States Geological Survey and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) - estimates India lost 18% of its primary forests and 5% of its tree cover between 2001 and 2020.
But as well as calculating the billions of tonnes of carbon absorbed by all that "biomass" of trees and vegetation, the research revealed how much pressure some of these sites were under.
But the more left-wing members of the party refused to go along with the plans without a guarantee that both spending packages would be voted on in tandem.
I would say if I was ever doubtful of what we were doing it was on that train journey, just thinking, 'What have we taken on?' It was quite petrifying really. Although Steven was pretty calm about it, inside I was really panicking."
But Mr Widodo's administration initially downplayed the disease. His former health minister Terawan Agus Putranto famously said the country would be spared from the virus, because of "all the prayers."
"Leah's grandma had written us a lovely card. She'd given us a little present. She told us she would keep her safe. She thanked us for everything," says Nina.
No-one claims responsibility for the gruesome, extra-judicial killings, but the Taliban are widely assumed to be responsible. IS carried out a suicide bombing in August outside Kabul airport that killed more than 150 people, and is a fierce rival of the Taliban. The two groups are now engaged in a murky and bloody battle. Jalalabad is the frontline.
I'm the BBC's first specialist disinformation reporter - and I receive abusive messages on social media daily. Most are too offensive to share unedited. The trigger? My coverage of the impact of online conspiracies and fake news. I expect to be challenged and criticised - but misogynistic hate directed at me has become a very regular occurrence.
For the moment, IS does not control any territory in Afghanistan. The group had previously managed to establish bases in both Nangarhar and Kunar provinces, before being driven out by assaults from the Taliban, as well as Afghan army units backed by American airstrikes. The group has just a few thousand fighters compared to around 70,000 Taliban members, who are now equipped with American weapons.
It turns out, they are real people - not bots. One is a Spurs fan, like me. Another likes vegan cooking. One, whose account was anonymous, even gave away his location by tweeting at delivery service Ocado complaining it didn't deliver to his postcode in Great Yarmouth.
"If it were a real person, [Barry] would have been brought into a hateful community full of misogynistic content very, very quickly - within two weeks," says Colliver.
Everything that a Greek tragic hero does is to escape from tragedy," says Larraín. "But by doing so, all they really do is come closer to tragedy. And finally face death. Which is what, unfortunately, I believe Diana experienced in a metaphorical way. And, in a very practical way, she was driving fast to escape from the press when she crashed in Paris that night."
Thena (Angelina Jolie) is a gloomy warrior whose fits of homicidal madness don't add anything to the narrative. And Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani) shoots lasers (or something) from his fingers: one of the best-known facts about the film is that Nanjiani committed to an intensive, transformative body-building regime in preparation, but as there isn't a single shirtless shot to show off his bulked-up physique, that can't help but feel like a waste of time and effort.
The results aren't terrible. They're definitely watchable. But considering that this sci-fi saga is directed by Zhao, and that its story spans the creation of the Universe and the fate of the planet, it would have been reasonable to expect it to prompt slack-jawed wonder rather than the grudging appreciation of an efficient, workmanlike job. Eternals may not be the worst of Marvel's movies, but it's undoubtedly the most disappointing.
Collins' attention to detail helped Leeds reach the European Cup final under Jimmy Armfield in 1975, where they lost 2-0 to Bayern Munich amid a flurry of controversial refereeing decisions.
The most sobering moment in The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) comes as Zero Moustafa reveals to M Gustave that his entire family was killed in an earlier war. Speaking to Seitz for his 2015 book on The Grand Budapest Hotel, Anderson elaborates that Zero's harrowing story was inspired by his partner, Juman Malouf, and the experiences of her family in Lebanon.
Although Murphy "never thought I'd be a fighter", he made his professional debut in March 2016 and after racking up an 8-0 record, made his UFC bow in September 2019, agreeing to face Zubaira Tukhugov at less than four weeks' notice.
The infected individual was among 215 people on a repatriation flight from Christchurch, New Zealand. Others onboard included members of Tonga's Olympic team who had been stranded in the city since the Tokyo Olympics.
But Lord Frost insists disputes arising from the protocol can't be settled in a court representing the EU only. He's called for an equal arbitration mechanism instead.
Scientists start by harvesting muscle cells from an animal, nutrients are steadily then added to feed those cells and grow the meat into tissue - this stew is called the cell media, which is then cultivated.
As the legend of Flamel’s immortality spread, people began to report seeing him out and about. Even Isaac Newton, widely regarded as one of the most brilliant minds who ever lived, believed the tales. He took the book extremely seriously, and devoted a large part of his professional career to studying its contents.
Mr Filott adds that an important intermediate milestone will be the acceptance of hybrid products. Hybrid products are plant-based meat substitutes that contain lab grown ingredients such as fats. If these products are accepted by the consumer, he says the development of fully lab-grown products might accelerate.
It began when a nameless woman who was three months pregnant had a legal abortion in Sweden. As the author Meredith Wadman wrote in her book, The Vaccine Race: Science, Politics and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease, the foetus wasn’t incinerated, buried or thrown away – instead it was wrapped in sterile green cloth
Early experiments showed the film prevented the growth of mould in bread by three weeks and extended the sale time of fresh cherries and shelf life of cheese by 40% and 50%, respectively.
“You have to think, well what about the ethical consequences of not using the cell line?” says Olshansky. “Just keep in mind that they are a critical link in the chain, in the development of viral vaccines.”
Genny himself believed that aluminium salts help by binding to the vaccine’s main ingredient, the part resembling the pathogen, presenting it to the immune system more slowly. This might give the immune system longer to respond, and therefore lead to stronger immunity.
In a hypothetical alternative universe where we already have a vaccine against Covid-19, world leaders will have a choice about how to deliver it to the population. The most vulnerable people, along with the nurses, doctors and care workers who look after them, are likely to be protected first.
Based in Warsaw, but with major hubs at WeWork spaces in San Francisco, London and Berlin, Codility, which helps engineering firms hire talent, has more than 150 employees from 30 countries. Before the pandemic, the company was already flexible with structure: employees could rotate among these hubs and work from home when needed. Others were already hired to work remotely, and even CEO Natalia Panowicz was splitting time between the Bay Area and the offices in Europe. But in March 2020, Panowicz made the final shift to a remote structure.
It is not just access to the international grid that is causing Spain energy problems, says Massimo Maoret, associate professor of strategic management at the IESE business school.
When the company asked staff for input, it found that there “was a great desire for flexibility”. “Looking back on the remote working of the past year and a half, we could see that the flexible model enhanced and even accelerated our business, so we moved away from an office-based or hybrid approach, and replaced it with our ‘digital first’ strategy,” he says.
Behind it are two futuristic buildings, the Armadillo auditorium and the Hydro arena, which will host world leaders at the COP26 climate summit. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดหลักช้าง
To address concerns that those same workers might feel pressured to come back into the office to get more face time with their bosses (and thus more recognition), Casto says leadership needed to role-model the non-traditional plan. “The executive leadership team has a lot of influence on the behaviours of the workforce,” he explains. “So, we said, if we set the tone at the top of the house to say, ‘it’s OK [to work from home],’ and candidly, ‘we’re going to do it, too,’ then it gives people a lot more trust.”
Shalfrooshan says workplace dynamics are going through a huge shift, “so there needs to be a bit of openness about people sharing their frustrations, but also acknowledging that managers are trying to work out the best routes forward right now”.
It’s still too early to tell just how things will go. But experts say that being anything less than extremely careful with how hybrid is structured and rolled out across companies could spell disaster.
Queer brown performers get crowded out in white-male-dominated media spaces, says Priyanka, so Mr Penn's mainstream success as a comedian popular among straight males makes his coming out story an even bigger deal.
Robert, a black media executive based in the UK, says if he gets too enthusiastic in a professional environment talking about a project, those around him often read his emotion differently than his intention. “I can see in their body language and their eyes that they're a bit scared of me when I’m going into full passion mode,” says Robert, whose last name is being withheld to protect his job security. “I think as a black man especially, that a lot of people are just scared of you, anyway. You raise your voice slightly and you see the look. People don't say anything, but you see a look of fear.”
It’s the lacklustre associate who makes partner despite a poor record, even though you’ve been working around the clock at the same firm without even a glance from the bosses. It’s getting passed up for that big account after being at an agency for five years, only to see your unremarkable-but-charismatic colleague score the project after two. Or maybe it’s that ineffective manager who, despite poor people skills, continues to get more staff and responsibility.
Tim Harcourt, the chief economist at the University of Technology Sydney, believes that education, not a reliance on foreign workers, is the key to solving Australia's labour market problems.
While TikTok doesn't have updated statistics on the number of hires, the feature had most success bringing users into sports and entertainment-related positions, Elena Saavedra, the company's global communications officer, told the BBC. Examples of successful TikTok recruitment include Whalar, an influencer company that hired their associate director of creative and social strategy off TikTok, and the US National Hockey League, which hired an official photographer through the app.
That awareness could look like conversations, that awareness could look like metrics and tracking who has been moving up and who hasn’t been. And that awareness could immediately look like action, maybe changing the language or culture around failure.”
The "Great Resignation" has seen millions of workers leaving their jobs in search of more money, more flexibility and more happiness, and that has the potential to reshape the market, experts say.
When Elizabeth Gonzalez Morales, a California-based queer woman therapist with particular expertise in supporting Latinx adults, is working with clients considering coming out, she first helps them identify their needs and values. “What is the idea of their authentic selves? What does that look like?” she asks.
The international High Representative in Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, has told the UN that Milorad Dodik's plans represent an "existential threat" to the country.
"They are terrified of reports about war and the disintegration of the country. And they're concerned about the UN Security Council's concessions to Russian blackmail."
The best thing an ally can do in the workplace, adds Benton, is to interrogate their own biases, and support LGBTQ colleagues from a place of compassion, rather than self-interest. “You’ve got to face your own stuff first, and then you can be more supportive of other people in a way that's not profit-based,” says Benton. That’s a constant learning process. “Get it wrong, fix it, do it better next time.”
The myth that Bruny Island woman Truganini was the last Aboriginal Tasmanian has persisted since her death in 1876, less than 80 years after Tasmania was settled by Europeans. In those early decades, palawa suffered a series of atrocities, from being forced into missions by the state's so-called Chief Protector of Aborginals, George Augustus Robinson, to be "civilised and Christianised", to the Black Line of 1830, when settlers formed a moving human chain across the island to try to capture the remaining Aboriginal population. The settlers were outsmarted: only two palawa were reported as captured.
"Ultimately, we should be targeting children that are going to need it most, and make it manageable for all families, [but] it's a conversation that isn't happening."
When the fire reached his land, he told me there was no-one there to help. Surrounded by flames, he grabbed tree branches in a desperate attempt to put out the blaze.
Teaching has been one of the most significant changes in Tasmania's relationship with its indigenous past. In 2018, Tasmanian Aboriginal Studies was added to the senior secondary school curriculum. Palawa woman Sandra Guerzoni had been advocating for the teaching of local indigenous history and culture in schools since working as a senior curriculum officer in Aboriginal education in the 1990s. Today, she teaches Tasmanian Aboriginal Studies at Hobart's Guilford Young College.
Near my home in the heavily Turkish neighbourhood of Neukölln, for example, most spätis stock Uludağ Gazoz, a fizzy Turkish lemonade, and little tubs of Turkish-style ayran, a yoghurt-based beverage. If it's in a particularly touristy spot, spätis might also sell "I <3 Berlin" T-shirts, postcards and shot glasses.
Like most parks in Berlin, Hasenheide is also bordered with spätis to refresh groups of people picnicking on its grassy fields – an activity that was legal or at least tolerated during most of the warm-weather days throughout the pandemic – or ravers gathering under the cover of night (which was not as legal or tolerated). The park became notorious for illegal techno raves that drew thousands of people during the wee hours,
"Ask our colleagues in Spain, Portugal, Italy, or Turkey: they'll tell you the new trend in forest fires is megafires - megafires that are affected by climate change."
During the peak of Spain's pine resin extraction in 1961, when 55,267 tons of resin were extracted, more than 90% of it came from the forests of Castilla y León. In the decades since, a lack of demand and sharp fall in prices led production to steadily decline. It nearly disappeared in the 1990s, leading many to worry that this deeply rooted Spanish tradition was coming to an end.
"There was one Instagram account called Schitt's Sheets which documented in great detail, through a variety of spreadsheets, information about our show - from the number of times that people hugged each other, to the various variations that I wore my rings, to the number of times that Alexis said 'ew' in the show."
Skyscrapers' second golden age has been under way for the last 20 years, although construction everywhere has slowed or paused. There was a 20% decrease in the number of tall buildings completed globally in 2020, compared with the previous year, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. This is most evident in China, where, until recently, towers were going up at a breakneck pace.
We are a social species. Pre-pandemic studies showed that emotional isolation - loneliness - can cause mortality risks as high as those posed by smoking. Moreover, magic happens when human beings, especially creative ones, work in proximity. "We now know that remote work is productive, but people need to come together to collaborate," Moazami said. "You move, you absorb, you learn."
"It's something we could never even imagine because no-one in our entire family or the village has ever studied this much and at the international level," said his father Santosh Joshi.
"We've installed a radar to regain control of the province of Manabí and that of Santa Elena," the president said of his government's efforts to cover "blind spots" in the airspace which gangs take advantage of to traffic drugs aboard small planes.
"This situation dates back to a different Ecuador, when drug trafficking and mafias were not yet a threat. In today's Ecuador we need legal reforms so police can go into the prisons."
Still, Russia promises to be carbon neutral by 2060. It signed the Glasgow declaration on forests and land use, pledging an end to deforestation by 2030.
And so this past week, rather than discussing the pressing climate debate and what Australia had achieved at COP26, most of the commentary here has been about Mr Morrison's character and whether the row will affect his standing domestically.
The world number 17 had an eventful time in Mexico, playing with a driver shaft borrowed from American James Hahn after breaking his before the first round.
"Everyone knows how much Aston Villa means to Dean and his family. He has represented the club with distinction and dignity - universally liked and respected by everybody associated with Aston Villa."
Former Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher on Sky Sports: "Villa must have looked at someone and thought they can do better. Smith hasn't done a bad job. In the past, if you go on long runs without a win it is usually double what Villa are on now. The international break is a killer for managers."
"March 18th was my first session on court in 2021 - for January, February, March I was literally just sat at my desk staring at a wall for nine hours a day.
Global Witness, Corporate Accountability and others who have carried out the analysis define a fossil fuel lobbyist as someone who is part of a delegation of a trade association or is a member of a group that represents the interests of oil and gas companies.
"Ninety-five percent of the people don't have enough food, and now we're looking at 23 million people marching towards starvation," he added. "The next six months are going to be catastrophic. It is going to be hell on Earth."
A money-laundering trial in Germany is shining a light on the purchase of a luxury London penthouse by cryptocurrency scammer Dr Ruja Ignatova. Jamie Bartlett and Rob Byrne of The Missing Cryptoqueen podcast explain how she used British-based lawyers and wealth managers - who continued to offer their services after she disappeared.
Two others are also in the dock, facing charges connected to the siphoning of millions of euros from Dr Ruja's €4bn scam - which consisted of selling something that didn't exist, a fake cryptocurrency she called OneCoin.
James also remembers friends of Konstantin's visiting, and has identified Frank Schneider, Dr Ruja's head of security, as another guest who spent time there after she disappeared.
The letter contained no specific details of the UK properties, but Mr Channo cautioned Dr Ruja about the need to re-evaluate her UK property holdings, "factoring issues such as tax, discretion of holding to the extent possible, and simplicity of structure".
Her oldest son is still happy to have the app for now, “because he knows I’m not stalking him or checking up on him”, she says. But she knows the time is coming when she'll lose the dings. “He would tell me if he didn’t want it and I would respect that. It would be hard, but it wouldn’t be the first hard thing we’d had to do as parents.”
That exposure breeds validation. “Social media opens up the door to many other voices that we would have not been exposed to in the past,” she adds. “[People] can see themselves represented, finally.”
Other researchers have shown that parenting is an extremely strong identity – parents often self-validate through pointing to their success as parents. So, if we indeed do compete by pointing to arenas in which we are highly successful, could this help us understand why so many parents broadcast their accomplishments in status-pivoting situations?
This is similar to what Hilary Levey Friedman, a sociologist and visiting assistant professor at Brown University, US, has observed, particularly among mums who left the workforce and no longer had their professional achievements to emphasise.
Ramirez reports that his colleagues say things like, “come on Leo, you know if you had kids or anything we would let you take the extra time you needed”. Yet when Ramirez and his lifelong best friend married earlier this year, his managers wouldn’t let him leave two hours early for last-minute wedding prep on the Friday before the wedding.
Managers like this may be demanding toward non-parents but understanding toward parents, if they respect that working parents might have to leave work early to pick up the kids from school, or take time off when they can’t arrange childcare. But still, “the work has to be done. Someone’s got to pick it up”, says Wilkinson.
One irony is that expecting non-parents to work long and late inhibits them from forming families, if that’s what they want. Wilkinson calls this “really, really problematic, especially for the people that were living alone but didn’t want to beโรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน
Earlier this year, Skerry won an Emmy award for Secrets of The Whales, a Disney+ documentary series filmed in more than 20 locations over three years, with a book of the same name featuring his underwater photography of the world's largest mammals. "I believe climate change is having an impact on whales, primarily the food they eat," อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านกันละ
lives of people impacted by flooding or fires, or from hard-hitting journalism to thought-provoking abstracts. The support for urgent action on climate change from people around the world suggests these many varied photos are helping to make an impact. อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน
Everyone finds a way of coping with it. Yes, there's the sense that someone is checking you out: someone can come in, even off the street, and they can be a hardliner and complain about the show and things can get nasty, but it rarely happens. For every piece that is not shown, there are 1,000 others that are." อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดหลักช้าง
Akhlagi and others I speak to are pessimistic about the big picture, but say that art carries on as it always has done, even in the toughest times of the Iran-Iraq war or under the conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regime of 2005-13. "The people working within the government are Iranian, and Iranians are proud of their culture," Noebashari says. "Even conservative politicians, they recite poetry in their speeches. Art has been in Iran for 5,000 years. It will survive."
There seems to be a stark contrast between the tone and topic of Bartha's Kontakt and Paula Markert's A Journey Through Germany, yet both works prompt reflection on identity and affiliation, from viewers and the artists themselves. Markert's intensive study came about following the 2011 naming of the NSU terrorist suspects, and the อ่านต่อเพิ่ม โรงเรียนบ้านทุ่งตำเสา
"There's a lot that needs to be clarified," says Li Shuo, senior climate and energy policy officer at Greenpeace China. "That said, my sense is that most of the important players will be covered, given the high-level nature of this statement and how the Chinese political system works." For example, backing financing for coal may now not be a great career move for the chief executive of a Chinese state-owned bank, he says.
Energy infrastructure is not China's only overseas investment interest. The country is mobilising vast amounts of capital through its Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to boost trade and economic growth in around 120 developing nations, predominantly across Asia. The infrastructure investments by China in the initiative could be as high as $652bn (£476bn) by 2030 in the 17 main recipient countries, according to economic analysts Vivid Economics.
As of September, China was considering financing 44 new overseas coal plants across 20 countries, says Christine Shearer, programme manager for coal at the non-profit Global Energy Monitor. That represents about a third of the world's planned coal plants that have not yet been built. In addition, Chinese state-owned power utilities and engineering companies directly own a total of 30 gigawatts (30 billion Watts) of projects outside China, according to a 2019 report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) co-authored by Shearer. That's an amount equivalent to the entire coal power capacity of Poland.
"I don't think China can say they're a leader on climate," says Tsang. "They'll have to have a clear timeline on phasing out domestic coal in China in order to be able to say that."
This means Nigeria's path will be crucial in the drive towards global net-zero emissions in the next three decades – a goal the world needs to meet to limit global temperatures to 1.5C, according to the International Panel on Climate Change. At the UN's global climate talks in Glasgow, COP26, Nigeria made a pledge to reach net zero emissions by 2060. The country's leaders have also promised to cut emissions 20% by 2030 compared with business-as-usual levels, increasing to a 47% cut below business-as-usual by 2030, depending on whether the country receives international financial support.
"Microsoft is not saying 'we are not doing anything today, because we want to remove a lot in the future'," says Rogelj. "They actually have a plan that combines reductions with removal."
"I'm really convinced that by the time we stabilise warming and those global emissions are at net zero, I don't think we will be in a desirable world, climatically speaking," he says. "Net zero will just be a milestone on the trajectory towards net negative, to slowly start undoing or trying to reverse the warming." But not all impacts of climate change will be reversible, he notes.
However, it may have had an impact in other ways early on. Greenstone says the SCC was "deeply influential" in corporate thinking, with corporations using it to set their internal carbon prices used to make business and investment decisions. It has also led to legislative proposals on carbon taxes in the US that have been set at the same value of the SCC, says Greenstone. "It has tentacles that extend beyond US policy," he says.
Dario Kenner, the author of Carbon Inequality: The Role of the Richest in Climate Change, coined the term "polluter elite" to describe the wealthiest in society who invest extensively in fossil fuels, as well as having a strong climate impact from their high-carbon lifestyles. But while the polluter elite have a disproportionate impact, the world's wealthiest encompasses a much broader swathe of the population (see fact box: Who is the 1%?).
Choice editing may sound radical but it's not new, says Akenji. The UK government, for example, uses choice editing on public safety grounds to ban the sale of guns or cars with no seatbelts. "Undoing unsustainable behaviours is a whole lot harder than preventing unsustainable products from coming to market in the first place," concluded an April report on behaviour change co-authored by Newell.
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He suggests that visitors to Tikal should not just marvel at the structures, but also contemplate the people who built them 1,000 or even 2,000 years ago without machines or pack animals. "Think about what their accomplishments were," he said, "and remember that this is not an extinct people, those accomplishments are the heritage of Central America's modern Indigenous population."
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Conventional nuclear is already economically unconvincing, he says, so adding the cost of developing thorium-friendly reactors and complex fuel reprocessing is untenable. Proponents say thorium’s advantages outweigh these costs, but he thinks the case is overstated.
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But given its progress so far, Parks thinks thorium makes sense as a long-term hedge for India. “They should be commended for having had a plan and stuck to it,” he adds. “I wish the UK could be accused of the same.”
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He’s now job hunting, but says opportunities for the kind of work he was doing before are limited and he will probably have to adapt: take a course on automated software testing and then try to secure a position. He worries this may be a repeating pattern.
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The World Bank’s 2016 World Development Report noted a global trend towards “hollowing out” of the labour force. As technology streamlines routine tasks, middle-skill jobs like clerical workers and machine operators decline while both high-skill and low-skill ones increase.
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The plight of IT workers like Ravi, though, demonstrates that automation is already encroaching on areas without gaps to be filled. Pai says India has the luxury of time compared to developed countries, as labour will remain cheaper than automation for a decade, and huge unmet demand for infrastructure and services can produce lots of jobs.
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There are several organised choirs as well as groups that organise and participate in promoting peace, environmental and social justice activities," she added. "A men's group gathers to make caskets and other wood crafts, and the cultural centre offers a pre-school programme in the Russian language.
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It was only when Stalts reached the age of nine or 10 that he started to understand that aside from a few relatives, nobody else around him spoke like this. "I remember thinking, what's going on? Why does nobody speak this language? Only some very old people."
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When I asked whether she would describe herself as Livonian, Marinska laughed: "I am… also Livonian. I grew up in a Latvian atmosphere, but of course I learnt from my parents and grandparents in my childhood that there was a connection with Livonians."
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Since fewer than 30 of today's Livonians are able to converse in their native tongue, music has become an important way of connecting to their ancestral heritage. Several folk groups and vocal ensembles perform old songs celebrating the traditional Livonian way of life.
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Kumzar has been at the centre of a socially and historically vibrant regional ecosystem for centuries, so although it can only be reached by boat, it would be a mistake to think about it as 'isolated'," Erik said. "Kumzar was very important historically: one of the few places with a well with plentiful, fresh water, between the trading centres of Basra, Muscat, Zanzibar, India and beyond."
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She works for the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, looking into extremism and disinformation on social media. She has helped journalists before, and advises me on how I can set up the profiles in an ethical and realistic way - only doing what's necessary to test the algorithms.
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Aliyah didn't know much about drugs back then. But she'd learned the open window meant he'd be in a good mood: "Whereas if the window is shut there was no smoke, so Daddy doesn't have what he needs," she says.
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She remembers feeling as though she had no way out - that she was existing in survival mode. She self-harmed and tried to take her life on many occasions.
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On her first day, an adult member of staff laid down the rules: there was a curfew and she had to be home on time. Every night all the residents would sit down and eat dinner with care workers.
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I'm standing in my pandemic "radio studio" - aka the closet in my apartment - surrounded by hangers holding button-up shirts and dresses. I'm staring at my cell phone in the dark. It's propped up on top of a suitcase sitting on top of a plastic tub, and I'm holding my recorder and microphone at the ready.
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Five of the former officers, including Jenkins, pleaded guilty. But two pronounced their innocence and went to trial, which I covered for the BBC. It was there that the full extent of the officers' misconduct became public.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดมณีโชติ
The risk is evaluated by taking into account the concentration, species and the size of the trees in each area. Some trees, like pines, are much more flammable than others, such as maple. The difference comes down to many factors including how much oil they hold in their bark, the shape of the foliage and density of the leaves.
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But there are some natural events that cannot be avoided. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are notoriously unpredictable and impossible to control. While these disasters often claim many lives immediately, what happens in the aftermath and how rescue teams react has a large impact on how many people survive.
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But when it comes to prediction of and preparation for natural disasters, one of the biggest barriers is having enough accurate data. These events are still extremely rare, so the quantities of data needed to train machine learning algorithms is thin on the ground. Satellite and aerial surveys are often not a priority when governments are responding to a crisis.
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Another tool named Botler AI goes one step further by providing advice to people who have been sexually harassed. Trained on more than 300,000 US and Canadian court case documents, it uses natural language processing to assess whether a user has been a victim of sexual harassment in the eyes of the law, and generates an incident report, which a user can hand over to human resources or the police. The first version was live for six months and achieved 89% accuracy.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดเพ็ญญาติ
Facebook is not the only one analysing text and behaviour to predict whether someone may be experiencing mental health problems. Maria Liakata, an associate professor at the UK’s University of Warwick, is working on detecting mood changes from social media posts, text messages and mobile phone data.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านโป่งกระทิงล่าง
But on balance, the connection to the ocean that people gain from surfing creates "a net positive impact", she says, especially compared to activities such as jet skiing or wakeboarding, which require more equipment and often rely on fossil-fuel power.
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They need to understand who it's coming from and whether or not those suppliers are producing the commodity in accordance with that company's policy. So, you need to have traceability. You need to be able to monitor your supply chain and then you need to have a process in place for what happens if your supplier isn't able or willing to comply."
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Together, they're trying to cool the planet by sucking carbon dioxide out of the air. This Texan landscape was made famous for the billions of barrels of oil pulled out of its depths during the 20th Century. Now the legacy of those fossil fuels – the CO2 in our air – is being pumped back into the emptied reservoirs.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดอรุณรัตนคีรี
ความบันเทิงในรูปแบบการเล่นพนันออนไลน์มีทางเข้า fun88 อัพเดตให้ใหม่ล่าสุดพร้อมใช้งานได้จริง เพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกให้สมาชิกทุกท่านสามารถเข้าสู่ความบันเทิงใช้งานทางเข้าคาสิโนออนไลน์ได้ต่อเนื่องตลอด 24ชม. เพื่อลดขั้นตอนที่ยุ่งยาก ใช้งานง่ายไม่สับสน ความปลอดภัยของ ทางเข้าfun88 มีสูง การันตีความปลอดภัยว่าไม่มีไวรัสหรือภัยคุกคามออนไลน์อย่างแน่นอน คลิกที่นี่ รีบมาสมัคร fun88 ไม่งั้นจะพลาดรับเงิน 200 บาทไปใช้ฟรีๆ
It's perhaps fitting that the CO2 in our air is eventually being returned underground to the oil fields from whence it came, although maybe ironic that the only way to finance this is in the pursuit of yet more oil. Occidental and others hope that by pumping CO2 into the ground, they can drastically reduce the carbon impact of that oil: a typical enhanced-recovery operation sequesters one tonne of CO2 for every 1.5 tonnes it ultimately releases in fresh oil. So while the process reduces the emissions associated with oil, it doesn't balance the books.
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This can also make a farm more productive, says Roberto Giolo de Almeida, who leads the Embrapa team. In traditional Brazilian cattle farming, there is typically around one animal grazing per hectare of land. When the land is planted with trees, the quality of the pasture actually improves.
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Having a global compensation scheme is "not the crucial element of global climate action," says Dufrasne, noting that countries should prioritise adopting domestic and regional policies aimed at slashing emissions. This will lead to the cuts needed to set the world on a path to net zero by 2050. "Governments should not just bank on buying credits from other countries, but focus on domestic reductions."
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The Bootleg fire highlighted one of the flaws of the carbon offsetting market: how can we ensure the carbon removal projects we invest in will still be there in 10 years, let alone 100 years? As climate change leads to more intense wildfires and prolonged droughts over the next few decades, the question is whether these offsets are effective tools that can help us drastically reduce carbon emissions.
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"Since 1998, timber harvesting has been The Nature Conservancy's primary source of funds for taxes and stewardship of the Upper St John River Forest. By enrolling it in the forest carbon project, TNC made a long-term commitment to change its active harvesting practices and maintain a higher level of carbon on the property," the TNC spokesperson says.
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"You can't do effective climate mitigation based on fiction. You need to make sure the credits are real, otherwise the market is based on a lie," says Haya, suggesting that setting up an incentive fund for mitigation efforts, which companies and countries pay into, would be more effective at reducing overall emissions.
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For its proponents, carbon farming promises a bold new agricultural business model – one that tackles climate change, creates jobs and saves farms that might otherwise be unprofitable.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดมณีโชติ
สล็อตเว็บตรงไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ คือเว็บพนันออนไลน์ ในรูปแบบหนึ่ง ที่จำลองมาจากตู้สล็อตใน คาสิโน และได้พัฒนาระบบ มาเพื่อให้เล่นและเข้าใจง่ายสำหรับในยุคนี้ และทางเว็บ สล็อตออนไลน์ เว็บตรง ของเรานั้น ยังได้มีการทำเกมในรูปแบบที่คล้ายคลึงกับตู้เกมในคาสิโน จึงทำให้มีผู้คนที่ชื่นชอบ การเล่นตู้สล็อตอยู่แล้วนั้น ทำให้ชื่นชมทางเว็บของเราเป็นอย่างมาก สล็อตเว็บตรงไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์
Both the ETF and index industry are "highly concentrated", the report states. Around seven institutions together control about 70% of the ETF and index markets. That means that those seven players – iShares (managed by BlackRock), Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors on the one hand, and MSCI, FTSE Russell, S&P Dow Jones and Bloomberg – "have disproportionate power to mitigate deforestation risk", according to Planet Tracker.
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So when it comes to deforestation, can finance really make a difference? If we look at its role in bringing about change in other spheres, then the answer is absolutely "yes".
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The science of direct air capture is straightforward. There are several ways to do it, but the one that Carbon Engineering's system uses fans to draw air containing 0.04% CO2 (today's atmospheric levels) across a filter drenched in potassium hydroxide solution – a caustic chemical commonly known as potash, used in soapmaking and various other applications.
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Goodall advocates for a global carbon tax, which would make it expensive to emit carbon unless offsets were purchased. But he recognises this is still a politically unpalatable option. Nobody wants to pay higher taxes, especially if the externalities of our high-energy lifestyles – increasing wildfires, droughts, floods, sea level rise – are seen as being shouldered by somebody else.
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These systems to combine livestock and tree-planting do not have just one "recipe", says the agronomist Claudete Reisdorfer Lang, professor at Federal University of Parana, in Brazil, who leads the Brazilian pine experiment. "[It] depends on the different components – crops, trees, animals, among others," she says, as well as the ways the different parts of the system are integrated in the field.
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The land had been farmed very conventionally, so the ground was overworked and had lost its organic matter," recalls managing director Tamara Hall, who joined the estate in 2003. "We had to change, for environmental reasons as well as profitability.
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The obvious question is whether Mercedes should have stopped before Red Bull in the first stint. It would have reversed the race, made Hamilton the man in front being chased down by Verstappen. But Mercedes did not feel it would have worked.
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With this level of scientific rigour, the pair are confident that they can sell carbon credits in advance, using a modelling system to forecast future capture. Baked into the process are strict checks and balances, including remote sensors to monitor real-time carbon absorption, and a 40% buffer in case predictions come up short.
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"He increased the pace and at a certain stage it was a massive difference. That was brilliantly executed but [he was] just not close enough at the end. When you follow a car you start to suffer a bit. It is what it is and you need to congratulate Red Bull."
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"I'm hoping that, in the future, our beef, lamb and pork produce will be a byproduct of the carbon that we farm and sell," says Loren Poncia, a fourth-generation cattle rancher in northern California. "But even before that happens, the stuff we're sequestering is helping cut costs in the here and now."
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From that they'll be able to work out the net financial gain from restoring the peat bog in terms of its impacts on flood mitigation, water quality and carbon storage.
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"Fast forward 24 hours and it goes the opposite way. It's about exploiting the product. I call the car the product. How do we deliver the performance? And that is what's going to make the difference between losing and winning."
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน
Without clear community rights, those who depend on that land are unlikely to benefit when countries trade in its emissions-reducing capabilities, and could face additional challenges. "It's unclear how carbon markets will affect people's rights to pursue their own livelihoods and ensure that they can access the forest for food, timber or resources to meet their basic needs," says Frechette.
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To be able to sit so close for so long was a demonstration that the Red Bull was clearly the faster car in the first stint, in which both drivers were on the 'medium' tyres.
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While it appeared for a while as if Hamilton had a big pace advantage, what was actually happening was that Verstappen was measuring his pace so that when Hamilton closed in at the end of the race, Verstappen was able to speed up and hold the Mercedes off.
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PM Scott Morrison made the long-delayed pledge after bargaining with resistant MPs within his government.
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Under Japanese law, female imperial family members forfeit their status upon marriage to a "commoner" although male members do not.
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The researcher's report was part of a cache of internal documents called The Facebook Papers, recently obtained by New York Times and other US publications. They show the social media giant struggling to tame the avalanche of fake news, hate speech, and inflammatory content -"celebrations of violence", among other things - out of India, the network's biggest market.
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The problem with Facebook lies elsewhere. With 340 million users, India is its biggest market. It is a general purpose social media platform which offers users individual pages and to form groups. "The wide range of features make it more vulnerable to all kinds of misinformation and hate speech," says Mr Sinha.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดแสงประดิษฐ์
Troops are reported to have been going house to house in the capital Khartoum arresting local protest organisers.
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"I don't plan very far ahead - as you say, I'm 95. How long can you go on? It isn't within our gift to say those things or to know those things.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน
Twenty-two people were killed and hundreds more injured when Salman Abedi detonated a bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert on 22 May 2017.
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Libya extradited the bomber's brother Hashem Abedi in 2019. "He didn't expect to be handed over to the British," a source in Libya told the BBC.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดนางเอื้อย
He also denied that he was in conflict with the LGBT community, saying "this has nothing to do with them. It's about corporate interests and what I can say and what I cannot say."
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Hester was finally diagnosed with ADHD in 2015, aged 34, and only, she says, because her husband had discovered he had the condition, a year earlier.
อ่านต่อเพิ่ม โรงเรียนวัดวังรีบุญเลิศ
The stone tools and other evidence Schmidt and his team found at the site showed that the circular enclosures had been built by hunter-gatherers, living off the land the way humans had since before the last Ice Age. Tens of thousands of animal bones that were uncovered were from wild species, and there was no evidence of domesticated grains or other plants.
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Schmidt's take on the site's striking T-pillars and large, round "special buildings" captivated colleagues and journalists when they were first published in the mid-2000s. Breathless media reports called the site the birthplace of religion; the German magazine Der Spiegel compared the fertile grasslands around the site to the Garden of Eden.
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The new work isn't destroying Klaus Schmidt's thesis; it stands on his shoulders," said Horejs. "There's been a huge gain of knowledge, in my view. The interpretation is changing, but that's what science is about."
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Modern visitors to Tikal will need to make an extra effort to locate the reservoirs, which live on today mostly as depressions in the soil, but some of the dams and earthen berms used to impound the vast quantities of water that once slaked the city's thirst are still evident to the informed observer. The Palace reservoir is estimated to have once stored
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"I don't think Tikal was the only place with this technology," said Grazioso. "Reservoirs were everywhere in the Maya world and only a handful have been studied, but if we don't study them, we'll never know."
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดมณีโชติ
It's a shame, for in my own experience of snorkelling and diving along the length of the Great Barrier Reef since my first visit to the Whitsundays as a six-year-old in the 1980s, I've discovered that its southern fringe is no less spectacular than other sections. Less prone to extreme weather events such as cyclones and prolonged heatwaves, it can be argued this corner of the reef is also in better shape. United by a commitment to sustainability, its key tourism operators hope to keep it that way.
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The "Unite the Right" rally that began on the night of 11 August 2017, in Charlottesville, was seen as a defining moment in recent American history.
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"You can say any nasty thing you want about any person or group you want and that is protected by the First Amendment," Edward ReBrook IV, an attorney for one of the defendants, former Nationalist Socialist Movement leader Jeff Schoep, told the Associated Press. "That's not me saying that, that's the Supreme Court."
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Sifting my fingers through the sun-warmed sand, I'd come up with an unexpected prize: a small, glassy shard of obsidian. Digging back in, I was soon inspecting a growing pile of volcanic glass. A kayaking mate declared the obsidian was from the area's many overland "grease trails", a term I was only vaguely familiar with.
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At the time, Mr Trump came under fire from both sides of the political spectrum for comments at a news conference, in which he appeared to defend the extremists as "very fine people" and said "many sides" were responsible for the violence. In subsequent statements, he denounced neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups as "repugnant".
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On the journey, you also may hear of strange curiosities, persistent legends and peculiar laws. Like the supposed and disputed ancient decree that states in York it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow from the city's crenellated walls. Except on a Sunday.
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After two years of painful delays, international aid to salvage Sudan's economy was finally in prospect - and is now in jeopardy.
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This is where the Flying Scotsman, the world record-holding steam locomotive, was built in 1923 at the Doncaster Railway Works and where its engineer, Edinburgh-born Sir Nigel Gresley, now has a public square named in his honour.
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The Agrafiots, the resilient, independent-minded inhabitants of this region, used this quasi-independence to cultivate their land into a hub of revolutionary activity. Legendary independence fighter Antonis Katsantonis was born here, and revolutionary leader Georgios Karaiskakis used Agrafa as a base from which to terrorise Ottoman troops down in the plains.
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They have good reason to fear that Bashir will name them as culprits in the alleged atrocities meted out during the Darfur war.
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These subtle mechanisms feed into behaviours that can impact negatively on people speaking different forms of English. I’ve been guilty of this in practice. I’ve found myself gravitating to colleagues I can easily banter with (so that I don’t have to explain or replace Americanisms like ‘inside baseball’ or British terms like ‘take the piss’).
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Multiple factors set the stage for ordinary hires to fail upward. One of the reasons the phenomenon persists, says Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a business psychology professor at Columbia University in New York City, is because hiring managers, decision-makers, even voters can be easily “seduced” by characteristics incompatible with good leadership, such as overconfidence.
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Tulshyan suggests companies can go one step further by using failure as a learning opportunity in meetings or boardrooms for every employee. Normalising failure can encourage people to take more risks and think outside the box, which can level the playing field and allow talent to rise based on innovation and ideas rather than who’s most visible. “You do need to have an environment where people can take risks and where they can fail without fear of retaliation.”
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None of the science makes misidentification a workplace inevitability, however, because there’s a lot still within our control to change. Both Tanaka and Fiske say that when motivated, people can bypass or “short-circuit” those automatic categorisations; it just requires a reset.
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The training can take many forms, in-person or online. You might take some form of implicit-association test, in which you’re presented with a quickfire series of images, and have to make rapid judgements of them, e.g.
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Wrexham manager Phil Parkinson had been told beforehand that Reynolds and McElhenney would be at the game, but neither he nor the players met with the pair ahead of the game.
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India has resisted setting a target for an overall reduction, saying industrialised nations should bear a much greater share of the burden as they have contributed far more to emissions over time.
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Global Forest Watch - a collaboration between the University of Maryland, Google, the United States Geological Survey and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) - estimates India lost 18% of its primary forests and 5% of its tree cover between 2001 and 2020.
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But as well as calculating the billions of tonnes of carbon absorbed by all that "biomass" of trees and vegetation, the research revealed how much pressure some of these sites were under.
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"Every building aims to be a landmark, and the developers and city planners try to achieve this goal by going extreme in novelty and strangeness."
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But the more left-wing members of the party refused to go along with the plans without a guarantee that both spending packages would be voted on in tandem.
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White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Mr Biden can still try legislative arm-twisting by phone from Rome.
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I would say if I was ever doubtful of what we were doing it was on that train journey, just thinking, 'What have we taken on?' It was quite petrifying really. Although Steven was pretty calm about it, inside I was really panicking."
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But Mr Widodo's administration initially downplayed the disease. His former health minister Terawan Agus Putranto famously said the country would be spared from the virus, because of "all the prayers."
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"Leah's grandma had written us a lovely card. She'd given us a little present. She told us she would keep her safe. She thanked us for everything," says Nina.
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No-one claims responsibility for the gruesome, extra-judicial killings, but the Taliban are widely assumed to be responsible. IS carried out a suicide bombing in August outside Kabul airport that killed more than 150 people, and is a fierce rival of the Taliban. The two groups are now engaged in a murky and bloody battle. Jalalabad is the frontline.
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I'm the BBC's first specialist disinformation reporter - and I receive abusive messages on social media daily. Most are too offensive to share unedited. The trigger? My coverage of the impact of online conspiracies and fake news. I expect to be challenged and criticised - but misogynistic hate directed at me has become a very regular occurrence.
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For the moment, IS does not control any territory in Afghanistan. The group had previously managed to establish bases in both Nangarhar and Kunar provinces, before being driven out by assaults from the Taliban, as well as Afghan army units backed by American airstrikes. The group has just a few thousand fighters compared to around 70,000 Taliban members, who are now equipped with American weapons.
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It turns out, they are real people - not bots. One is a Spurs fan, like me. Another likes vegan cooking. One, whose account was anonymous, even gave away his location by tweeting at delivery service Ocado complaining it didn't deliver to his postcode in Great Yarmouth.
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"If it were a real person, [Barry] would have been brought into a hateful community full of misogynistic content very, very quickly - within two weeks," says Colliver.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดมณีโชติ
Everything that a Greek tragic hero does is to escape from tragedy," says Larraín. "But by doing so, all they really do is come closer to tragedy. And finally face death. Which is what, unfortunately, I believe Diana experienced in a metaphorical way. And, in a very practical way, she was driving fast to escape from the press when she crashed in Paris that night."
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Thena (Angelina Jolie) is a gloomy warrior whose fits of homicidal madness don't add anything to the narrative. And Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani) shoots lasers (or something) from his fingers: one of the best-known facts about the film is that Nanjiani committed to an intensive, transformative body-building regime in preparation, but as there isn't a single shirtless shot to show off his bulked-up physique, that can't help but feel like a waste of time and effort.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนไทยรัฐวิทยา 88
The town of Rochdale was his heart though, and there was no moving from his house on Edenfield Road with his wife Edith and three children.
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The results aren't terrible. They're definitely watchable. But considering that this sci-fi saga is directed by Zhao, and that its story spans the creation of the Universe and the fate of the planet, it would have been reasonable to expect it to prompt slack-jawed wonder rather than the grudging appreciation of an efficient, workmanlike job. Eternals may not be the worst of Marvel's movies, but it's undoubtedly the most disappointing.
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Collins' attention to detail helped Leeds reach the European Cup final under Jimmy Armfield in 1975, where they lost 2-0 to Bayern Munich amid a flurry of controversial refereeing decisions.
The most sobering moment in The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) comes as Zero Moustafa reveals to M Gustave that his entire family was killed in an earlier war. Speaking to Seitz for his 2015 book on The Grand Budapest Hotel, Anderson elaborates that Zero's harrowing story was inspired by his partner, Juman Malouf, and the experiences of her family in Lebanon.
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Although Murphy "never thought I'd be a fighter", he made his professional debut in March 2016 and after racking up an 8-0 record, made his UFC bow in September 2019, agreeing to face Zubaira Tukhugov at less than four weeks' notice.
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The infected individual was among 215 people on a repatriation flight from Christchurch, New Zealand. Others onboard included members of Tonga's Olympic team who had been stranded in the city since the Tokyo Olympics.
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But Lord Frost insists disputes arising from the protocol can't be settled in a court representing the EU only. He's called for an equal arbitration mechanism instead.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านมะขามเอน
Scientists start by harvesting muscle cells from an animal, nutrients are steadily then added to feed those cells and grow the meat into tissue - this stew is called the cell media, which is then cultivated.
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As the legend of Flamel’s immortality spread, people began to report seeing him out and about. Even Isaac Newton, widely regarded as one of the most brilliant minds who ever lived, believed the tales. He took the book extremely seriously, and devoted a large part of his professional career to studying its contents.
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Mr Filott adds that an important intermediate milestone will be the acceptance of hybrid products. Hybrid products are plant-based meat substitutes that contain lab grown ingredients such as fats. If these products are accepted by the consumer, he says the development of fully lab-grown products might accelerate.
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It began when a nameless woman who was three months pregnant had a legal abortion in Sweden. As the author Meredith Wadman wrote in her book, The Vaccine Race: Science, Politics and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease, the foetus wasn’t incinerated, buried or thrown away – instead it was wrapped in sterile green cloth
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Early experiments showed the film prevented the growth of mould in bread by three weeks and extended the sale time of fresh cherries and shelf life of cheese by 40% and 50%, respectively.
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“You have to think, well what about the ethical consequences of not using the cell line?” says Olshansky. “Just keep in mind that they are a critical link in the chain, in the development of viral vaccines.”
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Genny himself believed that aluminium salts help by binding to the vaccine’s main ingredient, the part resembling the pathogen, presenting it to the immune system more slowly. This might give the immune system longer to respond, and therefore lead to stronger immunity.
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The Gravedigger's Wife is set, and was filmed on location, in Djibouti, which neighbours Somalia, but it has not yet been shown in the region.
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In a hypothetical alternative universe where we already have a vaccine against Covid-19, world leaders will have a choice about how to deliver it to the population. The most vulnerable people, along with the nurses, doctors and care workers who look after them, are likely to be protected first.
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Based in Warsaw, but with major hubs at WeWork spaces in San Francisco, London and Berlin, Codility, which helps engineering firms hire talent, has more than 150 employees from 30 countries. Before the pandemic, the company was already flexible with structure: employees could rotate among these hubs and work from home when needed. Others were already hired to work remotely, and even CEO Natalia Panowicz was splitting time between the Bay Area and the offices in Europe. But in March 2020, Panowicz made the final shift to a remote structure.
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It is not just access to the international grid that is causing Spain energy problems, says Massimo Maoret, associate professor of strategic management at the IESE business school.
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When the company asked staff for input, it found that there “was a great desire for flexibility”. “Looking back on the remote working of the past year and a half, we could see that the flexible model enhanced and even accelerated our business, so we moved away from an office-based or hybrid approach, and replaced it with our ‘digital first’ strategy,” he says.
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Behind it are two futuristic buildings, the Armadillo auditorium and the Hydro arena, which will host world leaders at the COP26 climate summit.
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To address concerns that those same workers might feel pressured to come back into the office to get more face time with their bosses (and thus more recognition), Casto says leadership needed to role-model the non-traditional plan. “The executive leadership team has a lot of influence on the behaviours of the workforce,” he explains. “So, we said, if we set the tone at the top of the house to say, ‘it’s OK [to work from home],’ and candidly, ‘we’re going to do it, too,’ then it gives people a lot more trust.”
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนไทยรัฐวิทยา 88
Dr Beck's work is considered hugely influential. He published hundreds of articles and 25 books in his career.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดนางเอื้อย
Shalfrooshan says workplace dynamics are going through a huge shift, “so there needs to be a bit of openness about people sharing their frustrations, but also acknowledging that managers are trying to work out the best routes forward right now”.
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Mr Penn also briefly worked in the White House Office of Public Engagement under President Barack Obama, from 2009-11.
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It’s still too early to tell just how things will go. But experts say that being anything less than extremely careful with how hybrid is structured and rolled out across companies could spell disaster.
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Queer brown performers get crowded out in white-male-dominated media spaces, says Priyanka, so Mr Penn's mainstream success as a comedian popular among straight males makes his coming out story an even bigger deal.
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UFA799 เป็นเว็บไซต์ ผู้ให้บริการ พนันออนไลน์ ที่ได้รับความนิยม อันดับ 1 ของ ประเทศไทยและเอเชีย มาอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยเฉพาะ ที่เป็น ตัวแทนที่ได้รับสิขสิทธิ์ตรงจาก UFA799 ไม่ผ่านเอเย่น ทั้งมั่นคงและเชื่อถือได้100%
Robert, a black media executive based in the UK, says if he gets too enthusiastic in a professional environment talking about a project, those around him often read his emotion differently than his intention. “I can see in their body language and their eyes that they're a bit scared of me when I’m going into full passion mode,” says Robert, whose last name is being withheld to protect his job security. “I think as a black man especially, that a lot of people are just scared of you, anyway. You raise your voice slightly and you see the look. People don't say anything, but you see a look of fear.”
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It’s the lacklustre associate who makes partner despite a poor record, even though you’ve been working around the clock at the same firm without even a glance from the bosses. It’s getting passed up for that big account after being at an agency for five years, only to see your unremarkable-but-charismatic colleague score the project after two. Or maybe it’s that ineffective manager who, despite poor people skills, continues to get more staff and responsibility.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนไทยรัฐวิทยา 88
Tim Harcourt, the chief economist at the University of Technology Sydney, believes that education, not a reliance on foreign workers, is the key to solving Australia's labour market problems.
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While TikTok doesn't have updated statistics on the number of hires, the feature had most success bringing users into sports and entertainment-related positions, Elena Saavedra, the company's global communications officer, told the BBC. Examples of successful TikTok recruitment include Whalar, an influencer company that hired their associate director of creative and social strategy off TikTok, and the US National Hockey League, which hired an official photographer through the app.
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That awareness could look like conversations, that awareness could look like metrics and tracking who has been moving up and who hasn’t been. And that awareness could immediately look like action, maybe changing the language or culture around failure.”
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านควนกองเมือง
The "Great Resignation" has seen millions of workers leaving their jobs in search of more money, more flexibility and more happiness, and that has the potential to reshape the market, experts say.
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When Elizabeth Gonzalez Morales, a California-based queer woman therapist with particular expertise in supporting Latinx adults, is working with clients considering coming out, she first helps them identify their needs and values. “What is the idea of their authentic selves? What does that look like?” she asks.
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The international High Representative in Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, has told the UN that Milorad Dodik's plans represent an "existential threat" to the country.
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"They are terrified of reports about war and the disintegration of the country. And they're concerned about the UN Security Council's concessions to Russian blackmail."
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The best thing an ally can do in the workplace, adds Benton, is to interrogate their own biases, and support LGBTQ colleagues from a place of compassion, rather than self-interest. “You’ve got to face your own stuff first, and then you can be more supportive of other people in a way that's not profit-based,” says Benton. That’s a constant learning process. “Get it wrong, fix it, do it better next time.”
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แจ็คพอตแตกรัว ๆ เปิดกระเป๋ารับเงินกันแบบไม่อั้น ทดลองเกมกันได้เลยที่ ทดลองเล่น PG ค่ายเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ที่เปิดให้นักเดิมพันได้เข้ามาร่วมทดลองเกมกันก่อนใคร สนใจคลิก ที่นี่ รับรองไม่ผิดหวัง เพราะค่ายเรามีเงินทุนรองรับมากที่สุดของไทย อีกทั้งยังมีบริการดีๆ อย่างเช่นให้นักเดิมพันเข้ามาร่วมทดลองเกมฟรี ก่อนการเล่นจริง เปิดโอกาสให้นักเดิมพันได้ศึกษาหาข้องมูงของเกมก่อนการใช้งาน
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The myth that Bruny Island woman Truganini was the last Aboriginal Tasmanian has persisted since her death in 1876, less than 80 years after Tasmania was settled by Europeans. In those early decades, palawa suffered a series of atrocities, from being forced into missions by the state's so-called Chief Protector of Aborginals, George Augustus Robinson, to be "civilised and Christianised", to the Black Line of 1830, when settlers formed a moving human chain across the island to try to capture the remaining Aboriginal population. The settlers were outsmarted: only two palawa were reported as captured.
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"Ultimately, we should be targeting children that are going to need it most, and make it manageable for all families, [but] it's a conversation that isn't happening."
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านกันละ
When the fire reached his land, he told me there was no-one there to help. Surrounded by flames, he grabbed tree branches in a desperate attempt to put out the blaze.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน
Teaching has been one of the most significant changes in Tasmania's relationship with its indigenous past. In 2018, Tasmanian Aboriginal Studies was added to the senior secondary school curriculum. Palawa woman Sandra Guerzoni had been advocating for the teaching of local indigenous history and culture in schools since working as a senior curriculum officer in Aboriginal education in the 1990s. Today, she teaches Tasmanian Aboriginal Studies at Hobart's Guilford Young College.
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดเพ็ญญาติ
Near my home in the heavily Turkish neighbourhood of Neukölln, for example, most spätis stock Uludağ Gazoz, a fizzy Turkish lemonade, and little tubs of Turkish-style ayran, a yoghurt-based beverage. If it's in a particularly touristy spot, spätis might also sell "I <3 Berlin" T-shirts, postcards and shot glasses.
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While he admitted mistakes had been made in the response, the "intensity of the phenomenon overcame many of our defences".
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดหลักช้าง
Like most parks in Berlin, Hasenheide is also bordered with spätis to refresh groups of people picnicking on its grassy fields – an activity that was legal or at least tolerated during most of the warm-weather days throughout the pandemic – or ravers gathering under the cover of night (which was not as legal or tolerated). The park became notorious for illegal techno raves that drew thousands of people during the wee hours,
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"Ask our colleagues in Spain, Portugal, Italy, or Turkey: they'll tell you the new trend in forest fires is megafires - megafires that are affected by climate change."
อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนวัดนางเอื้อย
During the peak of Spain's pine resin extraction in 1961, when 55,267 tons of resin were extracted, more than 90% of it came from the forests of Castilla y León. In the decades since, a lack of demand and sharp fall in prices led production to steadily decline. It nearly disappeared in the 1990s, leading many to worry that this deeply rooted Spanish tradition was coming to an end.
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"There was one Instagram account called Schitt's Sheets which documented in great detail, through a variety of spreadsheets, information about our show - from the number of times that people hugged each other, to the various variations that I wore my rings, to the number of times that Alexis said 'ew' in the show."
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Skyscrapers' second golden age has been under way for the last 20 years, although construction everywhere has slowed or paused. There was a 20% decrease in the number of tall buildings completed globally in 2020, compared with the previous year, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. This is most evident in China, where, until recently, towers were going up at a breakneck pace.
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We are a social species. Pre-pandemic studies showed that emotional isolation - loneliness - can cause mortality risks as high as those posed by smoking. Moreover, magic happens when human beings, especially creative ones, work in proximity. "We now know that remote work is productive, but people need to come together to collaborate," Moazami said. "You move, you absorb, you learn."
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"It's something we could never even imagine because no-one in our entire family or the village has ever studied this much and at the international level," said his father Santosh Joshi.
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"We've installed a radar to regain control of the province of Manabí and that of Santa Elena," the president said of his government's efforts to cover "blind spots" in the airspace which gangs take advantage of to traffic drugs aboard small planes.
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"This situation dates back to a different Ecuador, when drug trafficking and mafias were not yet a threat. In today's Ecuador we need legal reforms so police can go into the prisons."
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Still, Russia promises to be carbon neutral by 2060. It signed the Glasgow declaration on forests and land use, pledging an end to deforestation by 2030.
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And so this past week, rather than discussing the pressing climate debate and what Australia had achieved at COP26, most of the commentary here has been about Mr Morrison's character and whether the row will affect his standing domestically.
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Although the summit has been largely ignored by Iranian media, such critical views have made their way to some pro-government conservative outlets.
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But, even as the Saudis seek to achieve that objective, they are boosting their oil production capacity to cater for global demand.
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The world number 17 had an eventful time in Mexico, playing with a driver shaft borrowed from American James Hahn after breaking his before the first round.
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"Everyone knows how much Aston Villa means to Dean and his family. He has represented the club with distinction and dignity - universally liked and respected by everybody associated with Aston Villa."
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Former Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher on Sky Sports: "Villa must have looked at someone and thought they can do better. Smith hasn't done a bad job. In the past, if you go on long runs without a win it is usually double what Villa are on now. The international break is a killer for managers."
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"March 18th was my first session on court in 2021 - for January, February, March I was literally just sat at my desk staring at a wall for nine hours a day.
Global Witness, Corporate Accountability and others who have carried out the analysis define a fossil fuel lobbyist as someone who is part of a delegation of a trade association or is a member of a group that represents the interests of oil and gas companies.
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เก็บรวบรวมไว้ให้สำหรับทุกคนแล้ว สำหรับโปรโมชั่นสุดคุ้มที่อัพเดทตลอดทุกวี่วัน เพื่อทุกคนได้รับข่าวสาร ก่อนคนไหนโดยคณะทำงานเรารูสล็อต โดยทางพวกเราได้รวมโปรโมชั่น จากหลายเว็บเก็บมาให้ทุกคนนี้ เพื่อทุกคนได้กดรับเครดิตฟรีก่อนคนไหนกันแน่ โดยไฮไลท์สำคัญเป็น เครดิตฟรี ปัจจุบัน โดยเป็นการแจกเงินสำหรับเพื่อการพนันให้กับผู้เล่น ไปเลยแบบฟรีๆไม่มีเงื่อนไขอะไรก็แล้วแต่ทั้งหมด ให้ทุกคนได้รับไปเลยเครดิตฟรีสุดคุ้มที่ปีที่นี้ทีเดียว เครดิตฟรี
"Ninety-five percent of the people don't have enough food, and now we're looking at 23 million people marching towards starvation," he added. "The next six months are going to be catastrophic. It is going to be hell on Earth."
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A money-laundering trial in Germany is shining a light on the purchase of a luxury London penthouse by cryptocurrency scammer Dr Ruja Ignatova. Jamie Bartlett and Rob Byrne of The Missing Cryptoqueen podcast explain how she used British-based lawyers and wealth managers - who continued to offer their services after she disappeared.
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Two others are also in the dock, facing charges connected to the siphoning of millions of euros from Dr Ruja's €4bn scam - which consisted of selling something that didn't exist, a fake cryptocurrency she called OneCoin.
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James also remembers friends of Konstantin's visiting, and has identified Frank Schneider, Dr Ruja's head of security, as another guest who spent time there after she disappeared.
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The letter contained no specific details of the UK properties, but Mr Channo cautioned Dr Ruja about the need to re-evaluate her UK property holdings, "factoring issues such as tax, discretion of holding to the extent possible, and simplicity of structure".
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Her oldest son is still happy to have the app for now, “because he knows I’m not stalking him or checking up on him”, she says. But she knows the time is coming when she'll lose the dings. “He would tell me if he didn’t want it and I would respect that. It would be hard, but it wouldn’t be the first hard thing we’d had to do as parents.”
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That exposure breeds validation. “Social media opens up the door to many other voices that we would have not been exposed to in the past,” she adds. “[People] can see themselves represented, finally.”
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Other researchers have shown that parenting is an extremely strong identity – parents often self-validate through pointing to their success as parents. So, if we indeed do compete by pointing to arenas in which we are highly successful, could this help us understand why so many parents broadcast their accomplishments in status-pivoting situations?
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This is similar to what Hilary Levey Friedman, a sociologist and visiting assistant professor at Brown University, US, has observed, particularly among mums who left the workforce and no longer had their professional achievements to emphasise.
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Ramirez reports that his colleagues say things like, “come on Leo, you know if you had kids or anything we would let you take the extra time you needed”. Yet when Ramirez and his lifelong best friend married earlier this year, his managers wouldn’t let him leave two hours early for last-minute wedding prep on the Friday before the wedding.
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Managers like this may be demanding toward non-parents but understanding toward parents, if they respect that working parents might have to leave work early to pick up the kids from school, or take time off when they can’t arrange childcare. But still, “the work has to be done. Someone’s got to pick it up”, says Wilkinson.
One irony is that expecting non-parents to work long and late inhibits them from forming families, if that’s what they want. Wilkinson calls this “really, really problematic, especially for the people that were living alone but didn’t want to beโรงเรียนวัดสวนขัน
Earlier this year, Skerry won an Emmy award for Secrets of The Whales, a Disney+ documentary series filmed in more than 20 locations over three years, with a book of the same name featuring his underwater photography of the world's largest mammals. "I believe climate change is having an impact on whales, primarily the food they eat,"
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lives of people impacted by flooding or fires, or from hard-hitting journalism to thought-provoking abstracts. The support for urgent action on climate change from people around the world suggests these many varied photos are helping to make an impact.
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Everyone finds a way of coping with it. Yes, there's the sense that someone is checking you out: someone can come in, even off the street, and they can be a hardliner and complain about the show and things can get nasty, but it rarely happens. For every piece that is not shown, there are 1,000 others that are."
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Akhlagi and others I speak to are pessimistic about the big picture, but say that art carries on as it always has done, even in the toughest times of the Iran-Iraq war or under the conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regime of 2005-13. "The people working within the government are Iranian, and Iranians are proud of their culture," Noebashari says. "Even conservative politicians, they recite poetry in their speeches. Art has been in Iran for 5,000 years. It will survive."
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There seems to be a stark contrast between the tone and topic of Bartha's Kontakt and Paula Markert's A Journey Through Germany, yet both works prompt reflection on identity and affiliation, from viewers and the artists themselves. Markert's intensive study came about following the 2011 naming of the NSU terrorist suspects, and the
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"There's a lot that needs to be clarified," says Li Shuo, senior climate and energy policy officer at Greenpeace China. "That said, my sense is that most of the important players will be covered, given the high-level nature of this statement and how the Chinese political system works." For example, backing financing for coal may now not be a great career move for the chief executive of a Chinese state-owned bank, he says.
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Energy infrastructure is not China's only overseas investment interest. The country is mobilising vast amounts of capital through its Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to boost trade and economic growth in around 120 developing nations, predominantly across Asia. The infrastructure investments by China in the initiative could be as high as $652bn (£476bn) by 2030 in the 17 main recipient countries, according to economic analysts Vivid Economics.
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As of September, China was considering financing 44 new overseas coal plants across 20 countries, says Christine Shearer, programme manager for coal at the non-profit Global Energy Monitor. That represents about a third of the world's planned coal plants that have not yet been built. In addition, Chinese state-owned power utilities and engineering companies directly own a total of 30 gigawatts (30 billion Watts) of projects outside China, according to a 2019 report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) co-authored by Shearer. That's an amount equivalent to the entire coal power capacity of Poland.
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"I don't think China can say they're a leader on climate," says Tsang. "They'll have to have a clear timeline on phasing out domestic coal in China in order to be able to say that."
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This means Nigeria's path will be crucial in the drive towards global net-zero emissions in the next three decades – a goal the world needs to meet to limit global temperatures to 1.5C, according to the International Panel on Climate Change. At the UN's global climate talks in Glasgow, COP26, Nigeria made a pledge to reach net zero emissions by 2060. The country's leaders have also promised to cut emissions 20% by 2030 compared with business-as-usual levels, increasing to a 47% cut below business-as-usual by 2030, depending on whether the country receives international financial support.
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"Microsoft is not saying 'we are not doing anything today, because we want to remove a lot in the future'," says Rogelj. "They actually have a plan that combines reductions with removal."
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"I'm really convinced that by the time we stabilise warming and those global emissions are at net zero, I don't think we will be in a desirable world, climatically speaking," he says. "Net zero will just be a milestone on the trajectory towards net negative, to slowly start undoing or trying to reverse the warming." But not all impacts of climate change will be reversible, he notes.
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However, it may have had an impact in other ways early on. Greenstone says the SCC was "deeply influential" in corporate thinking, with corporations using it to set their internal carbon prices used to make business and investment decisions. It has also led to legislative proposals on carbon taxes in the US that have been set at the same value of the SCC, says Greenstone. "It has tentacles that extend beyond US policy," he says.
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Dario Kenner, the author of Carbon Inequality: The Role of the Richest in Climate Change, coined the term "polluter elite" to describe the wealthiest in society who invest extensively in fossil fuels, as well as having a strong climate impact from their high-carbon lifestyles. But while the polluter elite have a disproportionate impact, the world's wealthiest encompasses a much broader swathe of the population (see fact box: Who is the 1%?).
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Choice editing may sound radical but it's not new, says Akenji. The UK government, for example, uses choice editing on public safety grounds to ban the sale of guns or cars with no seatbelts. "Undoing unsustainable behaviours is a whole lot harder than preventing unsustainable products from coming to market in the first place," concluded an April report on behaviour change co-authored by Newell.
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